
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Martian soil is friendly to life (atleast asparagus)

Scientists from NASA's phoenix mission say that the soil samples tested aboard the lander, contain many minerals, friendly to life. The salts and nutrients magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride were found. The soil has a pH of 8. It would support the growth of asparagus. This soil is closely analogous to surface soils found in the upper dry valleys in Antarctica.

The wet soil test was the first of its kind carried on the surface of any planet outside earth.

The presence of salts further provide evidence to existence of water on mars.

Even though the soil is friendly, the martian atmosphere is hostile to life as we know it on the earth surface. But, on earth itself life exists in extreme conditions, like the depths of sea, with volcanic vents, and no light.

Lets wait for more evidence and test results, who knows one day the lander might dig a hole and find plenty of thriving life forms.

Image Src: NASA (

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